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The Glenn Campbell collection. 1962-1989 [CD]

Auteur(s)Campbell, Glen

Titre(s)The Glenn Campbell collection. 1962-1989 [CD] / Glen Campbell.

Editeur(s)Razor, P 1997.

ContientCD 1 :Kentucky means paradise. - gentle on my mind. - burning bridges. - by the time I get to Phoenix. - I wanna live. - dreams of the everyday housewife. - Whichita lineman. - let it be me. - galveston. - where 's the playground Susie. - true grit. - try a little kindness. - honey, come back. - all I have to do is dream. - oh happy day. - everything a man could ever need. - it's only make believe. - dream baby. - the last time I saw her. - the william Tell overture. - CD 2 : Bonaparte's retreat. - I knew Jesus. - Houston. - Manhattan kansas. - Rhinestone cowboy. - country boy. - don't pull your love/then you can tell me goodbye. - see you on sunday. - southern nights. - sunflower. - can you fool. - any which way you can. - I'm gonna love you. - bloodline. - faithless love. - a lady like you. - the hand rocks the craddle. - still within the sound of my voice. - I have you. - she's gone, gone, gone.

Sujet(s)Chanson : Country : Phonogramme


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