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Gospels, spirituals and Hymns

Auteur(s)Jackson, Mahalia (1911-1972) ;Payne, Trevor W

Titre(s)Gospels, spirituals and Hymns / Mahalia Jackson.

Editeur(s)Sony music entertainment, P 1991.

ContientCD 1 : didn't it rain. - my God is real. - walk over God'Heaven. - if I can help somebody. - come on children, let's sing. - what a friend we have in Jesus. - I found the answer. - it is well with my soul. - great getin' up;morning. - you must be born again. - Elljah rock. - Jesus met the woman at the well. - a satisfied mind. - keep your hand on th plow. - roll, Jordan, roll. - calvary. - in my home over there. - I will move on up a little highter. - CD 2 :In the upper room. - the Christian's testimony. - if we never needed the Lord before. - a city called Heaven. - trouble of the world. - without God i could do nothing. - take my hand, Precious Lord. - Joshua fit the battle of Jericho. - his eyes is on the sparrow. - God put a rainbow in the skky. - he's got the whole world in his hands. - a rusty old halo. - nobody knows the trouble I've seen. - Dear Lord, forgive. - I'm going to live the life I sing abouqt in my song. - search me Lord. - If I could hear my mother pray again. - walk on by faith.

Sujet(s)Gospel : Phonogramme


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CDEn rayonSEGOUFIELLE5021560071Musique1.2 JAC


Source : Wikipédia
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