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Gershwin plays Gershwin

Auteur(s)Gershwin, George (1898-1937)

Titre(s)Gershwin plays Gershwin / George Gerschwin.

Editeur(s)Pearl, P1991.

ContientRhapsody in blue. - Hang on to me. - Fascinatin'rhytm. - the half of it dearie blues. - I'd rather Charleston. - Sweet and low down. - that certain feeling. - looking for a boy. - Then do we dance. - Do-do-do. - Someone to watch over me. - Clap yo'hands. - maybe. - My one and only. - Three preludes. - Andante from "Rhapsody in Blue". - S'wonderful and funny face. - An American in Paris, selections from Porgy and Bess. - It' ain't necessarily so. - The buzzard song : scene Summertime /crapgame/a woman is a sometime thing. - Bess, you is my woman now. - I got plenty o'nuttin. - Where is my Bess. - Summertime. - my man'gone now. - concerto in F, third movement. - Song medley with chorus and orchestra : I got rythm and of thee I sing.


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Source : Wikipédia
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