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The best of The Alan Parsons Project

Auteur(s)The Alan Parsons Project

Titre(s)The best of The Alan Parsons Project / The Alan Parsons Project.

Editeur(s)Arista, P 1992.

ContientDisque 1 I wouldn't want to be like you. - Eye in the sky. - Don't answer me. - Games people play. - Let's talk about me. - Time. - Pyromania. - You don't believe. - Lucifer. - Psychobabble. - Damned if I do. - Don't let it show. - Can't take it with you. - Old and wise. - Disque 2 Limelight. - The gold bug. - The same old sun. - Ammonia Avenue. - The eagle will rise again. - Mammagamma. - Since the last goodbye. - I robot. - Inside looking out. - Primetime. - Hawkeye. - The turn of a friendly card (I & II). - Silence and I. - Sirius.

Sujet(s)Chanson : Rock : Phonogramme


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CDPrêtéMD325006950071Musique2 ALA


Source : Wikipédia
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