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The Beatles 1967-1970

Auteur(s)Beatles (The) (Auteurs/Compositeurs)

Titre(s)The Beatles 1967-1970 / Beatles (the).

Editeur(s)EMI Records ltd, 2010.

ContientStrawberry fields forever. - Penny lane. - Sgt.pepper's lonely hearts club band. - With a little help from my friends. - Lucy in the sky with diamonds. - A day in the life. - All you need is love. - I am the walrus. - Hello, goodbye. - The fool on the hill. - Magical mystery tour. - Lady madona. - Hey jude. - Revolution. - Black in the U.S.S.R. - While my guitar gently weeps. - Ob-la-di, ob-la-da. - Get back. - Don't let me down. - The ballad of John and Yoko. - Old brown shoe. - Here comes the sun. - Come together. - Something. - Octopus's garden. - Let it be. - Across the universe. - The long and winding road.


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CDEn rayonSAMATAN03201000067414Musique2.2 BEA


Source : Wikipédia
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