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By myself

Auteur(s)D'Ambrosio, Mérédith (Pianos) ;Schwartz, Arthur (Compositeur) ;Dietz, Howard

Titre(s)By myself / Meredith d' Ambrosio.

Editeur(s)Sunnyside Communications Inc., 2011.

ContientBy myself. - Through a thousand dreams. - Once upon a long ago. - If there is someone lovelier than you. - All through the night. - High and low. - I guess I'll have to change my plan. - You and the night and the music. - Something to remember you by. - Dancing in the dark. - Then I'll be tired of you. - Why go anywhere at all ?. - I see your face before me. - Haunted heart.

Sujet(s)Jazz vocal (musique)


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CDEn rayonMGA50177191 DAM 30


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