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The glare - Songs for Tony

Auteur(s)McAlmont, David ;Nyman, Michael (Compositeur) (Pianos) ;The Michael Nyman Band ;Roach, David (Saxophones) (Saxophones) ;Buckland, Robert ;Findon, Andrew (Saxophones) (Flûtes) ;Humphries, Ian (Violon) ;Bryce, Morven (Violon) ;Musker, Catherine (Violes) ;Hinnigan, Anthony (Violoncelle) ;Elliott, Martin (Guitare basse) ;Sidwell, Steve (Trompette) ;Barr, Nigel (Trombone)

Titre(s)The glare - Songs for Tony / McAlmont David ; Nyman Michael.

Editeur(s)MN Records, 2009.

ContientTHE GLARE : Take the money and run / David McAlmont / Michael Nyman. - Secrets, accusations and charges. - City of Turin. - Friendly fire. - In rai Don Giovanni. - In Laos. - Going to America. - Fever sticks and bones. - A great day in Kathmandu. - Underneath the hessian bags. - The glare. - SONGS FOR TONY / Michael Nyman.


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CDPrêtéMGA50162472 MCA 20


Source : Wikipédia
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