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L'étrange Noël de Monsieur Jack [= The nightmare before Christmas]

Auteur(s)Elfman, Danny (Auteurs/Compositeurs) ;Burton, Tim ;Selick, Henry ;Stewart, Patrick (Narrateur) ;The Citizens of Halloween ;Reubens, Paul ;O'Hara, Catherine ;Page, Ken ;Ivory, Ed ;Marilyn Manson ;Fiona Apple ;Fall Out Boy ;She Wants Revenge ;Panic ! At The Disco

Titre(s)L'étrange Noël de Monsieur Jack [= The nightmare before Christmas] / Elfman Danny.

Editeur(s)Walt Disney records, 2006.

ContientCD 1 : Overture. - Opening / Patrick Stewart. - This is halloween / The Citizens of Halloween. - Jack's lament. - Doctor Finklestein - In the forest. - What's this ?. - Town meeting song. - Jack and Sally montage. - Jack's obsession. - Kidnap the Sandy claws / Paul Reubens / Catherine O'Hara. - Making Christmas / The Citizens of Halloween. - Nabbed. - Oogie boogie's song / Ken Page / Ed Ivory. - Sally's song / Catherine O'Hara. - Christmas Eve montage. - Poor Jack. - To the rescue. - Finale / reprise / Catherine O'Hara / The Citizens of Halloween. - Closing / Patrick Stewart. - End title. - CD 2 BONUS TRACKS : Marilyn Manson / This is halloween. - Fiona Apple / Sally's song. - Fall Out Boy / What's this ?. - She Wants Revenge / Kidnap the Sandy claws. - Panic ! At The Disco / This is halloween. - Making Christmas [demo]. - Oogie boogie song [demo]. - This is halloween [demo]. - Kidnap the Sandy claws [demo].

Sujet(s)Cinéma d'animation (musique)


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