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Infinity on high

Auteur(s)Fall Out Boy

Titre(s)Infinity on high / Fall Out Boy.

Editeur(s)Universal Music, 2007.

ContientThriller. - The take over, the breaks over. - This ain't a scene, it's an arms race. - I'm like a lawyer with the way I'm always trying to get you off (Me + you). - Hum Hallelujah. - Golden. - Thanks for the mmrs. - Don't you know who I think I am ?. - The (after) life of the party. - The Carpal tunnel of love. - Bang the doldrums. - Fame < infamy. - You're crashing, but you're no wave. - I've got all this ringing in my ears and none on my fingers.

Indice(s)2.60 ; 2.61

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CDEn rayonMGA50136342 FAL 60


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