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Walk on by : the definitive Dionne Warwick collection

Auteur(s)Warwick, Dionne

Titre(s)Walk on by : the definitive Dionne Warwick collection / Warwick Dionne.

Editeur(s)Warner Bros. Records, 2000.

ContientThis girl's in love with you. - Once you hit the road. - CD 1 : Don't make me over. - The empty place. - Make the music play. - Anyone who had a heart. - Walk on by. - You'll never get to heaven (if you break my heart). - A house is not a home. - Reach out for me. - Are you there (with another girl) ?. - Message to Michael. - (They long to be) Close to you. - Trains and boats and planes. - I just don't know what to do with myself. - Another night. - Alfie. - The windows of the world. - (Theme from) The valley of the dolls. - I say a little prayer. - Do you know the way to San Jose ?. - Who is gonna love me ?. - CD 2 : Promises promises. - There's always something there to remind me. - The april fools. - Odds and ends. - You've lost that lovin' feeling. - I'll never fall in love again. - What the world needs now is love. - The look of love. - Let me go to him. - Make it easy on yourself. - Paper mache. - I'm your puppet. - Then came you / The Detroit Spinners. - Don't let my teardrops bother you. - His house and me. - I think you need love. - Track of the cat. - I'm just being myself.

Sujet(s)Etats-Unis : musique


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