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Escalator over the hill

Auteur(s)Bley, Carla (1936-...) (Compositeur) ;Haines, Paul

Titre(s)Escalator over the hill / Bley Carla ; Haines Paul.

Editeur(s)ECM Records, 1971.

ContientHotel overture. - This is here... - Like animals. - Escalator over the hill. - Stay awake. - Ginger and David. - Song to anything that moves. - Eoth theme. - Businessmen. - Ginger and David theme. - Why. - It's not what you do. - Detective writer daughter. - Doctor why. - Slow dance (Transductory music). - Smalltown agonist. - End of head. - Over her head. - Little pony soldier. - Oh say can you do ?. - Holyday in risk. - Holiday in risk theme. - A.I.R. (All india radio). - Rawalpindi blues. - End of Rawalpindi. - End of animals. -.. And it's again.

Sujet(s)Open jazz (musique)


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CDEn rayonMGA50078571 BLE 90


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