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1938 - 1940

Auteur(s)Page, "Hot Lips" (Trompette) ;Smith, Ben (Saxophones) (Clarinette) ;Simmons, Sam (Saxophones) ;Reynolds, Jimmy (Pianos) ;Wainwright, Connie (Guitare) ;Braud, Wellman (Saxophones) ;Taylor, Alfred (Batterie) ;Mullens, Eddie (Trompette) ;Moore, Bobby (Trompette) ;Stevenson, George (Trombone) ;White, Harry (Trombone) ;Scott, Ulysses (Saxophones) ;Waters, Benny (Saxophones) ;Powell, Ernie (Saxophones) ;Bolar, Abe (Saxophones) ;Williams, Ben (Saxophones) (Saxophones) (saxophoniste) ;Smith, Buster (Clarinette) (Saxophones) ;Powell, Jimmy (Saxophones) ;Davis, Sam (Saxophones) (saxophone) ;Barefield, Eddie (Clarinette) (Saxophones) ;Stovall, Don (Saxophones) ;Byas, Don (Saxophones) ;Johnson, Pete (1904 - 1967) (Pianos) (Pianos) ;Collins, John (Guitare) ;Godley, A.G (Batterie)

Titre(s)1938 - 1940 / Page "Hot Lips".

ContientGood old bosom bread / Smith Ben / Simmons Sam. - He's pulling his whiskers. - Down on the levee (levee lullaby). - Old man Ben. - Jumpin' / Mullens Eddie / Moore Bobby. - Feelin' high and happy. - At your beck and call. - Rock it for me. - Skull duggery. - I let a song go out of my heart. - If I were you. - (A sky of blue, with you) and so forth. - The pied piper. - Small fry. - I'm gonna lock my heart and throw away the key. - Will you remember tonight tomorrow ?. - I would do anything for you / Smith Buster / Powell Jimmy. - I ain't got nobody. - A Porter's love song to a chambermaid. - Gone with the gin. - Walk it to me. - I won't be here long. - Lafayette / Barefield Eddie / Stovall Don. - South. - Harlem rhumbain' the blues. - No matter where you are (when evening draws her curtain).

Sujet(s)Jazz classique


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