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Songs from the capeman

Auteur(s)Simon, Paul (Guitare) ;Nguini, Vincent (Guitare) ;Beal, John (Guitare basse) ;Anthony, Marc ;Blades, Ruben ;Nazario, Ednita ;Garnier, Tony (Guitare basse) ;Simon, Harper (Guitare) (Harmonica) ;Cardona, Milton (Percussions) ;Griffin, Paul (Pianos) ;Nunez, Pablo (Percussions) ;Hernandez, Oscar (Pianos) (Claviers) (Synthétiseur)

Titre(s)Songs from the capeman / Simon Paul.

Editeur(s)Warner Bros. Records, 1997.

ContientAdios hermanos. - Born in Puerto Rico. - Satin summer nights / Marc Anthony. - Bernadette. - The vampires. - Quality. - Can I forgive him. - Sunday afternoon / Ednita Nazario. - Killer wants to go to College. - Time is an ocean / Marc Anthony / Ruben Blades. - Virgil. - Killer wants to go to College II. - Trailways bus.

Indice(s)2.31 ; 000 SIM ; 000

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CDEn rayonMGA50058432 SIM 31


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