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Le facteur = Il postino

Auteur(s)Bacalov, Luis (Compositeur) (Conducteur) ;Neruda pseud. de Neftali Ricardo Reyes, Pablo ;Radford, Michael ;Sting (Narrateur) ;Richardson, Miranda (Narrateur) ;Snipes, Wesley (Narrateur) ;Roberts, Julia (1967-...) (Narrateur) ;Fiennes, Ralph (Narrateur) ;Hawke, Ethan (Narrateur) ;Sewell, Rufus (Narrateur) ;Close, Glenn (Narrateur) ;Jackson, Samuel L (Narrateur) ;Garcia, Andy (Narrateur) ;Dafoe, Willem (Narrateur) ;Madonna (Narrateur) ;Perez, Vincent (Narrateur)

Titre(s)Le facteur = Il postino / Bacalov Luis ; Neruda pseud. de Neftali Ricardo Reyes Pablo.

Editeur(s)Hollywood Records, 1994.

Contient"POETRY & MUSIC SUITE" : Theme. - Morning [Love sonnet XXVII] / Sting. - Poetry / Richardson Miranda. - Leaning into the afternoons / Snipes Wesley. - Poor fellows / Roberts Julia. - Ode to the sea / Fiennes Ralph. - Fable of the mermaid and the drunks / Hawke Ethan. - Ode to a beautiful nude / Sewell Rufus. - I like for you to be still / Close Glenn. - Walking around / Jackson Samuel L. - Tonight I can Write / Garcia Andy. - Adonic Angela / Dafoe William. - If you forget me / Madonna. - Integrations / Perez Vincent. - And now you're mine / Garcia Andy / Roberts Julia. - "MUSIC FROM THE ORIGINAL MOTION PICTURE SOUDTRACK" : The postman (titles). - Bicycle. - Madreselva / Gardel Carlos. - The postman lullaby / Postino bambino. - Beatrice. - Metaphors. - Loved by women. - The postman / Il postino (Trio version). - Sounds of the island. - The postman's dreams. - Pablito. - Milonga del poeta. - Madreselva (instrumental). - The postman poet. - The postman (Harpsichord and string version). - The postman (guitar and bandoneon version).


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