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In the blue light

In the blue light

Auteur(s)Simon, Paul (19..-...) (Artiste de spectacle)

Titre(s)In the blue light [enr. sonore] / Paul Simon.

ContientOne man's ceiling in another man's floor. - Love. - Can't run but. - How the heart approaches what it yearns. - Pigs, sheep and wolves. - René and georgette magritte with their dog after the war. - The teacher. - Darling lorraine. - Some folks' lives roll easy. - Questions for the angels. - One man's ceiling is another man's floor. - Love. - Can't run but. - How the heart approaches what it yearns. - Pigs, sheep and wolves. - René and Georgette Magritte with their dog after the war. - The teacher. - Darling Lorraine. - Some folks' live roll easy. - Questions for the angels.

RésuméDans ce 14ème album, l'artiste revisite dix de ses chansons préférées grâce à des collaborations remarquables et de nouveaux arrangements. Parmi les titres revisités, on retrouve des chansons extraites des albums There goes rhymin' simon (1973), Still crazy after all these years (1975), One-trick pony (1980), Hearts and bones (1983), The rhythm of the saints (1990), You're the one (2000) et So beautiful or so what (2011). Parmi les nombreux musiciens ayant rejoint Paul Simon ici, il faut citer les icônes du jazz comme le trompettiste Wynton Marsalis, le guitariste Bill Frisell et les batteurs Jack DeJohnette et Steve Gadd, ainsi que le sextet de musique de chambre basé à New York, yMusic.

Sujet(s)Folk rock & country

Indice(s)2.31 ; 2.3

Lien : https://www.cvs-mediatheques.com/ws/wsgetimg.php?N=a0WG1159&C=4622&D=1073663&A=13501&W=300&F=1.jpg

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Source : Wikipédia
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  • https://www.cvs-mediatheques.com/home/songex/0/663/1073663/1073663_1_1_x.mp3
  • Love
  • Can't run but
  • How the heart approaches what it yearns
  • Pigs, sheep and wolves
  • René and georgette magritte with their dog after the war
  • The teacher
  • Darling lorraine
  • Some folks' lives roll easy
  • Questions for the angels


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