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Auteur(s)Dylan, Bob (1941-...)

Titre(s)Tempest / Bob Dylan.

Editeur(s)Sony Bmg Music Entertainment, 2012.

ContientDuquesne whistle. - Soon after midnight. - Narrow way. - Long and wasted years. - Pay in blood. - Scarlet town. - Early roman kings. - Tin angel. - Tempest. - Roll on John. - Duquesne whistle. - Soon after midnight. - Narrow way. - Long and wasted years. - Pay in blood. - Scarlet town. - Early roman kings. - Tin angel. - Tempest. - Roll on John.

Résumé35ème album studio de Bob Dylan.

Sujet(s)Rock : Folk-rock

Indice(s)2.30 ; 2.3

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SupportSituationBib. actuelleCode barreGenreCote
CDEn rayonMD325201930071Musique2.3 DYL
CDEn rayonMGA50175572 DYL 30


Source : Wikipédia
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