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Auteur(s)Presley, Elvis (1935-1977) (Chanteur) ;BMG Music International (Europe) (Editeur commercial) ;BMG France (Distributeur) ;BMG records Ltd (Producteur) ;BMG Music (Producteur)

Titre(s)Elvis [Enregistrement sonore] : the essential collection / Elvis Presley.

Editeur(s)[London] : [BMG Music International (Europe)] ; [Neuilly] : [distrib. BMG France], [1997 (DL)].

ContientHeartbreak hotel. - Blue suede Shoes. - Hound Dog. - Don't be cruel. - love me tender. - all shook up. - (let me be your) teddy bear. - jailhouse rock. - king creole. - the girl of my best friend. - it's now or never (o solé mio). - are youb lonesome tonight ?. - wooden heart. - (marie's the name) his latest flame. - can't help falling in love. - good luck charm. - she's not you. - return to sender. - (you're the) devil in disguise. - crying in the chapel. - in the ghetto. - suspicious minds. - i just can't help believin'. - an american trilogy. - burning love. - always on my mind. - moody blue. - the wonder of you.

NotesNew York, Ny 10036 : prod. BMG Music, P 1994. - Notice en anglais.

Sujet(s)Rock, pop Rock


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CDEn rayonMAUVEZIN00249000017890Musique2 PRE


Source : Wikipédia
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