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Long play collection six original albums

Auteur(s)The Everly Brothers (Ens. instrumental)

Titre(s)Long play collection six original albums / The Everly Brothers.

Editeur(s)Blaricum, 2012.

ContientMade to love. - That's just too much. - Stick with me baby. - Baby what you want me to do. - Sigh, cry, almost die. - Always it's you. - Love hurts. - Lucille. - So how come (no one loves me). - Donna, donna. - A change of heart. - Cathy's clown. - My mammy. - Muskrat. - My gal sal. - My grandfather's clock. - Bully of the town. - Chlo-e. - Mention my name in sheboygan. - Hi-lili, hi-lo. - The wayward wind. - Don't blame me. - Now is the hour. - Little old lady. - When i grow too old to dream. - Love is where you find it. - Crying in the rain [bonus track]. - So sad (to watch good love go bad). - Just in case. - Memories are made of this. - That's what you do to me. - Sleepless nights. - What kind of girl are you. - Oh, true love. - Carol jane. - Some sweet day. - Nashville blues. - You thrill me (through and through). - I want you to know. - Like strangers. - Since you broke my heart. - Let it be me. - Oh, what a feeling. - Take a message to mary. - When will i be loved. - 'til i kissed you. - Poor jenny. - Claudette [bonus track]. - Problems [bonus track]. - Devoted to you [bonus track]. - Love of my life [bonus track]. - Temptation [bonus track]. - Ebony eyes [bonus track]. - Walk right back [bonus track]. - Roving gambler. - Down in the willow garden. - Long time gone. - Lightnin' express. - That silver haired daddy of mine. - Who's gonna shoe your pretty little feet. - Barbara allen. - Oh, so many years. - I'm here to get my baby out of jail. - Rockin' alone (in an old rocking chair). - Kentucky. - Put my little shoes away. - This little girl of mine. - Maybe tomorrow. - Bye bye love. - Brand new heartache. - Keep a knockin'. - Be-bop-a-lula. - Rip it up. - I wonder if i care as much. - Wake up little susie. - Leave my woman alone. - Should we tell him. - Hey doll baby. - Bird dog [bonus track]. - All i have to do is dream [bonus track].

Sujet(s)Rock (musique)


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SupportSituationBib. actuelleCode barreGenreCote
CDEn rayonEAUZE00119000123412Musique2.1 EVE


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