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Auteur(s)Gaiman, Neil (1960-...) (Auteur) ;Riddell, Chris (1962-...) (Illustrateur)

Titre(s)Coraline / Neil Gaiman ; Illustrated by Chris Riddell.

Editeur(s)London : Bloomsbury, 2012.

RésuméWhen coraline explores her new home, she finds a door. through the door is another house just like her own...except that it's different. It's a marvelous adventure until Coraline discovers that there's also another mother and another father in the house. They want Coraline to be their little girl and they want to keep her forever! Coraline must use all of her wits and every ounce of her courage to save herself and return home.

Indice(s)420 ; 808.89 ; 820 ; AN SF

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LivreEn rayonSAINT-CLAR3472780071Livre en langue étrangèreAN SF GAI
LivreEn rayonMD324164050071Fiction jeunesseAN J GAI


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