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The adulterants

Auteur(s)Dunthorne, Joe (1982-...) (Auteur)

Titre(s)The adulterants / Joe Dunthorne.

Editeur(s)London : Penguin books, 2019. ; 2019.

Collection(s)(Penguin fiction).

RésuméThis is the story of one man's mission to apologise for the bad things that he definitely did but which weren't all that bad, really, when you take them in context, and were almost certainly not so bad that he deserves to lose his wife and job and start receiving anonymous, threatening packages which, in turn, force him out of his top-floor flat and onto the sofa beds of his friends who are, themselves, crushed by the merciless forces of fertility and London property. This is a story about coming of age when you are thirty-three, unemployable and about to become a father. This is for anyone who has ever felt underprepared.

Sujet(s)Angleterre : littérature

Indice(s)820 ; R

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