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In the upper room

Auteur(s)Jackson, Mahalia (1911-1972)

Titre(s)In the upper room / Mahalia Jackson.

Editeur(s)Vogue, P 1984.

ContientIn the upper room. - Hands of God. - said he would. - Silent night. Holy night. - I bow on my knees. - didn't it rain. - walk to me. - what then. - it is not secret. - Jesus is with me. - How I got over it. - I'm glad salvation is free. - go tell it on the mountain. - He's my light. - it's real. - get away Jordan. - run all the way. - I gave up everything to follow him. - nobody knows.

Sujet(s)Gospel : Phonogramme


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CDEn rayonMD325028710071Musique1.2 JAC


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