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The complete Dorsey-Sinatra recordings vol.1 fev 40-nov 40

Auteur(s)Dorsey, Tommy (trombonne) ;Sinatra, Frank (1915-1998)

Titre(s)The complete Dorsey-Sinatra recordings vol.1 fev 40-nov 40 / Tommy Dorsey et Franck Sinatra.

Editeur(s)Dreem, Cop. 1993.

ContientCD A Fev 1940-may 1940 : The sky fell down. - too romantic. - shake down the stars. - moments in the moonlight I'll be seing you. - say it. - polka dots and moonbeams. - the fable of the rose. - this is the beginning of the end. - hear my song Violette. - fools rush in. - devil may care. - april played the fiddle. - I haven't time to be a millionnaire. - imagination. - yours is my heart alone. - you're lonely and I'm lonely. - east of the sun. - head on my pillow. - it's a lovely day tomorrow. - I'll never smile again. - CD B May 1940-Nov. 1940 : All this and heaven too. - where do you keep your heart?. - whispering. - trade winds. - the one I love. - the call of the canyon. - love lies. - I could make you care. - the world is in my arms. - our love affair. - looking for yesterday. - tell me at midnight. - we three. - when you awake. - anything. - shadows on the sand. - uou're breaking my heart all over again. - I'd know you anywhere. - do you know why. - not so long ago. - stardust.

Sujet(s)Trombone : Jazz : Phonogramme


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