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The Velvet Underground and Nico

Auteur(s)Velvet Underground (The) (Ens. instrumental) ;Tucker, Maureen (Percussions) ;Morrisson, Sterling (Guitare basse) ;Cale, John (Guitare basse) ;Reed, Lou (1942-...) (Interprète) ;Nico (Interprète)

Titre(s)The Velvet Underground and Nico / Velvet Underground (The), Nico.

Editeur(s)Polygram records, 1996.

ContientSunday morning. - I'm waiting for the man. - Femme fatale. - Venus in furs. - Run run run. - All tomorrow's parties. - Heroin. - Ther she goes again. - I'll be your mirror. - The black angel's death song. - European son.


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CDEn rayonSAMATAN03201000055641Musique2 VEL


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