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Titre(s)Dexter : Music from the Showtime original series.

Editeur(s)Milan records, 2007.

ContientRolfe Kent / Dexter main title. - Michael C. Hall and Daniel Licht / Tonight's the night. - Beny Moré / Conoci La Paz. - Kinky / Uruapan breaks. - Raw Artistic Soul feat. Rafael Cortez / Flores para ti. - Michael C. Hall and Daniel Licht / Blood. - Ray Armando / Con mi guaguanco. - Mambo All-Stars / Perfidia. - Michael C. Hall and Daniel Licht / Sometimes I wonder. - Andy Williams / Born free. - Kinky / Dexter main title. - Escalation. - Shipyard. - Deborah loves Rudy - The house. - I can't kill. - Voodoo jailtime. - New legs. - Photo albums. - Courting the night. - Hide your tears. - Wink. - Astor's birthday party. - Epilogue - Bloodroom. - Blood theme. - Die this way.


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SupportSituationBib. actuelleCode barreGenreCote
CDEn rayonPAVIE00630Musique6 DEX
CDEn rayonMDC5016669521 DEX


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