

  M É D I A G E R S


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Original album series

Auteur(s)Mayfield, Curtis

Titre(s)Original album series / Curtis Mayfield.

Editeur(s)Rhino Entertainment, 2013.

Collection(s)(Original album series).

Contient(Dont worry) If there's a hell below we're all going to go. - The other side of town. - The makings of you. - We the people who are darker than blue. - Move on up. - Miss black America. - Wild and free. - Give it up. - Mighty, mighty (Spade and Whitney). - Rap. - I plan to stay a believer. - We're a winner. - Rap. - We've only just begun. - People get ready. - Rap. - Stare and stare. - Check out your mind. - Gypsy woman. - The makings of you. - Rap. - We the people who are darker than blue. - (Don't worry) If there's a hell below we're all going to. - Stone junkie. - Get down. - Keep on keeping on. - Underground. - We got to have peace. - Beautiful brother of mine. - Now you're gone. - Love to keep you in mind. - Back to the world. - Future shock. - Right on for the darkness. - Future song (Love a good woman love a good man). - If I were only a child again. - Can't say nothin'. - Keep on trippin'. - Ain't got time. - Sweet exorcist. - To be invisible. - Power to the people. - Kung fu. - Suffer. - Make me believe in you.


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CDEn rayonMGA50214342 MAY 93


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