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Appearing nightly : Carla Bley and Her Remarkable Big Band

Auteur(s)Bley, Carla (1936-...) (Pianos) ;Gardner, Earl (Trompette) ;Soloff, Lew (Trompette) ;Casati, Giampaolo (Trompette) ;Esch, Florian (Trompette) ;Calamosca, Beppe (Trombone) ;Valente, Gary (Trombone) ;Grata, Gigi (Trombone) ;Henry, Richard (Trombone) ;Jannotta, Roger (Saxophones) (Flûtes) ;Puschnig, Wolfgang (Flûtes) ;Sheppard, Andy (Saxophones) ;Panzani, Christophe (Saxophones) ;Arguelles, Julian (Saxophones) ;Mantler, Karen (Orgues) ;Swallow, Steve (Guitare basse) ;Drummond, Billy (Batterie)

Titre(s)Appearing nightly : Carla Bley and Her Remarkable Big Band / Bley Carla.

Editeur(s)ECM Records, 2008.

ContientGreasy gravy. - Awful coffee. - Appearing nightly at the Black Orchid : 40 on / 20 off - Second round - What would you like to hear ? - Last call. - Someone to watch. - I hadn't anyone till you.


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