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The gold collection : 40 classic performances

Auteur(s)Lee, Peggy

Titre(s)The gold collection : 40 classic performances / Lee Peggy.

Editeur(s)Proper Retro, 1996.

ContientCD 1 : That old black magic. - People will say that we are in love. - Up the lazy river. - It ain't necessarily so. - On the sunny side of the street. - You do something to me. - Unforgettable. - The best is yet to come. - Bye bye blackbird. - From this moment on. - I don't know enough about you. - Big spender. - Lover. - Surrey with the fringe on top. - Somebody loves me. - Moments like this. - Big bad Bill. - It's a good day. - Where can I go without you ?. - I can't stop loving you. - Fever. - Almost like being in love. - I love being here with you. - So what's new ?. - Between the devil & the deep blue sea. - Speak low. - I get a kick out of you. - Ac-cent-tchu-ate the positive. - Don't worry 'bout me. - Fools rush in. - Just one of those things. - I feel a song coming on. - Lonesome road. - The train blues. - Then was then. - Come back to me. - Alright, ok, you win. - Manana. - Making whoopee. - You're mine you.

NotesLes musiciens accompagnant Peggy Lee ne sont pas mentionnés.

Sujet(s)Jazz vocal (musique)


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