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Playground psychotics

Auteur(s)Zappa, Frank ;The Mothers Of Invention

Titre(s)Playground psychotics / Zappa Frank ; The Mothers Of Invention.

Editeur(s)distrib. Music For Nations, 1992.

ContientCD 1 "A TYPICAL DAY ON THE ROAD, PART 1" : Herre comes the gear, lads. - The living garbage truck. - This is neat. - The motel lobby. - Getting stewed. - The motel room. - The dressing room. - Learning "penis dimension". - You there, with the hard on !. - Zanti serenade. - Divan. - Don't eat there. - Brixton still life. - Wonderful wino. - Diptheria blues. - Well. - Say please. - Aaawk. - Scum bag. - A small eternity with Yoko Ono. - CD 2 "A TYPICAL DAY ON THE ROAD, PART 2" : Beer shampoo. - Champagne lecture. - Childish perversions. - Playground psychotics. - The mudshark interview. - There's no lust in jazz. - Botulism on the hoof. - You got your armies. - The spew king. - I'm doomed. - Status back baby. - The London cab tape. - The Sanzini brothers. - It's a good thing we get paid to do this. - Concentration moon, part 2. - Intro to music for low budget orchestra. - Billy the mountain. - "THE TRUE STORY OF 200 MOTELS" : He's watching us. - He's right. - Going for the money. - Jeff quits. - A bunch of adventures. - Martin Lickert's story. - A great guy. - Bad acting. - The worst reviews. - A version of himself. - I could be a star now.

Sujet(s)Rock progressif (musique) Rock experimental

Indice(s)2.00 ; 2.42

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CDEn rayonMGA50129612 ZAP 00


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