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New whirl odor

Auteur(s)Public Enemy ;Chuck D (Préfacier, etc.) ;Flavor Flav (Préfacier, etc.) ;Professor Griff (Préfacier, etc.) ;DJ Lord

Titre(s)New whirl odor / Public Enemy.

Editeur(s)Nocturne Productions, 2005.

ContientCD :...And no one broadcasted louder than... (intro). - New whirl odor. - Bring that beat back. - 66.6 strikes again. - Mklvfkwr. - What a fool believes. - Makes you blind. - Preachin' to the quiet. - Either we together or we ain't (S1W stepstrumental). - Revolution. - Check what you're listening to. - As long as the people got something to say. - Y'all don't know. - Either you get it by now or you don't. - Superman's black in the building. - DVD : "VIDEOS" Bring that beat back / Superman's black in the building / Revolution / The hot 1. - "DOCUMENTARY" A brief history of Slamjamz / Making new whirl odor. - "Photo gallery" / "Biographies" / "Commentary".

Sujet(s)Rap (musique)


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CDEn rayonMGA50126002 PUB 91


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