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Big Apple rappin' : the early days of hip-hop culture in New York city, 1979 - 1982

Auteur(s)Spoonin Gee ;Xanadu ;Brother "D" ;Collective Effort ;General Echo ;T/Ski Valley ;Universal 2 ;The Masterdon Committee ;Cold Crush Brothers ;Spyder D ;Mr. Q ;The Fly Guys ;Solo Sound ;Jamaica Girls ;Super 3 ;Swann, P.J ;Mel, Peewee ;B, Barry ;Nice & Nasty 3

Titre(s)Big Apple rappin' : the early days of hip-hop culture in New York city, 1979 - 1982 / Collectif.

Editeur(s)12 Ingestre Place) : Soul Jazz Records, 2006.

ContientCD 1 : Spoonin rap / Spoonin Gee. - Sure shot / Xanadu. - How we gonna make the Black Nation rise ? / Brother "D" / Collective Effort. - Rapping dub style / General Echo. - Catch the beat / T/Ski Valley. - Dancing heart / Universal 2. - Funk box party / The Masterdon Committee. - Weekend / Cold Crush Brothers. - CD 2 : Big Apple rappin' / Spyder D. - D.J. style / Mr. Q. - Fly guy rap / The Fly Guys. - Get the party jumpin' / Solo Sound. - Rock the beat / Jamaica Girls. - When you're standing on the top / Super 3. - Are you ready ? / T.J. Swann / Peewee Mel / Barry B. - The ultimate rap / Nice / Nasty 3.

Sujet(s)Rap (musique)


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