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Porgy And Bess

Auteur(s)Gershwin, George (Compositeur) ;Maazel, Lorin (Conducteur) (Artiste de spectacle) ;White, Willard (Artiste de spectacle) ;Mitchell, Leona (Artiste de spectacle) ;Boatwright, Mchenry (Artiste de spectacle) ;Quivar, Florence (Artiste de spectacle) ;Hendricks, Barbara (1948-...) (Artiste de spectacle) ;Conrad, Barbara (Artiste de spectacle) ;Thompson, Arthur (Artiste de spectacle) ;Clemmons, François (Artiste de spectacle) ;The Cleveland Orchestra (Artiste de spectacle)

Titre(s)Porgy And Bess / George Gershwin ; Lorin Maazel ; Willard White ; Leona Mitchell ; Mchenry Boatwright ; Florence Quivar ; Barbara Hendricks ; Barbara Conrad ; Arthur Thompson ; François Clemmons ; The Cleveland Orchestra.

Editeur(s)[s.l.] : Decca, 2007.

Collection(s)(The Originals).

ContientActe 1 : introduction, jasbo brown blues. - Acte 1 : summertime. - Acte 1 : a woman is a sometime thing. - Acte 1 : here come de honey man. - Acte 1 : they pass by singin'. - Acte 1 : oh, little stars. - Acte 1 : wake up an' hit it out. - Acte 1 : gone, gone, gone. - Acte 1 : overflow, overflow. - Acte 1 : um ! a saucer-burial setup, i see. - Acte 1 : my man's gone now. - Acte 1 : headin' for the promis' lan'. - It takes a long pull to get there. - Oh, i got plenty o'nuttin. - lissen there, what i tells you. - I hates yo' struttin' style. - mornin', lawyer, lookin' for somebody?. - dey's a... - Buzzard song. - lo, bess, goin' to picnic?. - Bess, you is my woman now. - Oh, i can't sit down. - Scene 2: i ain' go no shame. - It ain't necessarily so. - shame on all you sinners. - bess!..crown!. - Oh.. what you want wid bess?. - Scene 3: honey, dat's all de breakfast i got time for. - take yo' han's off me,... - Oh, doctor jesus. - O dey's so fresh an'fine. - i'm talkin' about devil crabs. - Pory, porgy, dat you there. - I loves you, porgy. - Why you been out on that wharf. - Acte 2 : oh, doctor jesus. - Acte 2 : oh, de lawd shake de heavens. - Acte 2 : oh, dere's somebody knockin' at de do'. - Acte 2 : a red-headed woman. - Acte 3 : clara, clara, don't you be downhearted. - Acte 3 : interlude. - Acte 3 : introduction, wait for us at the corner, al. - Acte 3 : you've got to go, porgy. - Acte 3 : there's a boat dat's leavin'. - Acte 3 : introduction. - Acte 3 : good mornin', sistuh !. - Acte 3 : dem white folks sure ain't put nuttin'. - Acte 3 : oh bess, where's my bess. - Acte 3 : bess is gone. - Acte 3 : oh lawd, i'm on my way.

RésuméOpéra en 3 actes de George Gershwin.

Sujet(s)Musique classique ** 20ème siècle Opéra


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