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Auteur(s)The White Stripes

Titre(s)Elephant [Cd audio] / The White Stripes.

Editeur(s)[s.l.] : XL Recordings, 2003.

ContientSeven nation army. - Black math. - There's no home for you here. - I just don't know what to do with myself. - In the cold, cold night. - I want to be the boy to warm your mother's heart. - You've got her in your pocket. - Ball and biscuit. - The hardest button to button. - Little acorns. - Hypnotize. - The air near my fingers. - Girl, you have no faith in medecine. - Well it's true that we love one another. - Litlle acorns. - Girl, you have no faith in medicine.



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CDEn rayonCONDOM93210710334Musique2 WHI


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