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Auteur(s)Ahern, Cecelia (1981-...) (Auteur)

Titre(s)Perfect. 2 / Cecelia Ahern.

Editeur(s)Londres : HarperCollins publishers, DL 2018.

RésuméCelestine North lives in a society that demands perfection. After she was branded Flawed, her life has fractured completely. Since Judge Crevan declared Celestine the number-one threat to the public, she has been on the run with the complicated, powerfully attractive Carrick, the only person she can trust. But Celestine has a secret - one that could bring the entire Flawed system crumbling to the ground. Now she must make a choice : save only herself, or risk her life to save all the flawed...

Paru sous le même support : Perfect. Edition en anglais. https://www.base-orb.fr/product/9780008126377/show/. - Perfect.. Edition en anglais. https://www.base-orb.fr/product/9780008125134/show/.


Lien : https://products-images.di-static.com/image/orb-e7abe3e4e2788b7d1c565e2127c12561/9780008125165-475x500-1.jpg

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