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The Girl in the Woods

Auteur(s)Läckberg, Camilla (1974-...) (Auteur) ;Nunnally, Tiina (1952-...) (Traducteur)

Titre(s)The Girl in the Woods / Camilla Läckberg ; traduit du suédois par Tiina Nunnally.

Editeur(s)Londres : HarperCollins publishers, 2018.

RésuméWhen a four-year-old girl disappears in the woods outside Fjällbacka, people are horror-struck. Thirty years ago, a child went missing from the same spot, and was later discovered, murdered. Back then, two teenage girls were found guilty of the killing. Could one of them be the culprit this time ? Detective Patrik Hedström starts investigating, with his wife, bestselling crime writer Erica Falck, by his side. But as Patrik and Erica dig deeper, it seems that everyone in the tight-knit community is hiding something. And soon, the residents must confront the fact that there could be a murderer in their midst...

Traduit de : Häxan.

Lien : https://products-images.di-static.com/image/orb-e7abe3e4e2788b7d1c565e2127c12561/9780007518401-475x500-1.jpg

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