
id Villecomtal sur Arros 2016 2

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Great original-performances : 1925-1933

Auteur(s)Smith, Bessie (1895-1937)

Titre(s)Great original-performances : 1925-1933 ; Bessie Smith.

Editeur(s)The Australian Broadcasting Corporation, P 198?.

Collection(s)(jazz classics. Great original performances).

Contientempty bed blues. - Alexander's ragtime band. - prechin' the blues. - keep it to yourself. - trombone cholly. - at the Christmas ball. - kitchenman. - you've got to give me some. - he's got me goin'. - thinking blues. - devil's gonna git you. - send me to the electric chair. - baby doll. - take me for a buggy ride. - young woman blues.

Sujet(s)Voix : Blues : Phonogramme


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SupportSituationBib. actuelleCode barreGenreCote
CDEn rayonMD325021430071Musique1.1 SMI


Source : Wikipédia
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