
id Villecomtal sur Arros 2016 2

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Le Blues vol.1 :Jazz panorama [Anthologie]

Auteur(s)Panassié, Hugues ;Bronzy, Big Bill ;Jefferson, Blind lemon ;Carr, Leroy ;Sam, Washboard ;Davis, Blind John ;Blackwell, Scrapper

Titre(s)Le Blues vol.1 :Jazz panorama [Anthologie] / Présenté par Hugues Panassié.

Editeur(s)Villefranche de Rouergue : Discothèque municipale, P 1993?.

Collection(s)(Collection Hugues Panassié. jazz panorama).

ContientSunshine special /Blind Lemon Jefferson. - Broken leve blues ; Blue ghost blues /Lonnie Johnson. - Six cold feet under the ground /leroy carr. - medecine man blues / Bog Bill Bronzy. - Broadcast blues ; Jersey cow blues / Whashboard Sam. - How can I go on ; trouble and lying woman /Blind John Davis. - hard time blues / scrapper Blackwell. - Big Bill Bronzy : W P A blues. - Let's rel and rock. - you do me any old way. - M and O blues. - what is that she got. - it's your time now. - serenade blues. - bed time blues. - keep your hand right on your heart.

Sujet(s)Blues : Phonogramme


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CDEn rayonSEISSAN5046810071Musique1.1 A


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