
id Villecomtal sur Arros 2016 2

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Say it live and loud

Auteur(s)Brown, James (1933-2006) (Artiste de spectacle)

Titre(s)Say it live and loud [enr. sonore] : live in Dallas / James Brown, chant.

Editeur(s)Polygram Records, 1998.

ContientShow introduction. - If I ruled the world. - James Brown thanks. - Introduction to say it loud : I'm black and I'm proud. - Say it loud : I'm black and I'm proud. - I guess I'll have to cry, cry, cry. - Kansas city. - Suds. - Soul pride. - Tighten up. - Introduction to star time !. - Licking stick, licking stick. - Cold sweat. - There was a time. - Medley : Try me/Lost someone/Bewildered. - Papa's got a brand new bag. - I got the feeling. - Maybe the last time. - I got you (I feel good). - Please, please, please. - I can't stand myself (When you touch me). - Cold sweat. - I got the feeling. - Say it loud, I'm black and I'm proud.

NotesEnregistré en public le 26 aout 1968 à Dallas (Etats-Unis).

Sujet(s)Jazz ** Soul ** Etat-Unis Soul


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CDEn rayonSAINT-CLAR5220880071Musique1.41 BRO


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  • Show introduction
  • If I ruled the world
  • James Brown thanks
  • Introduction to say it loud : I'm black and I'm proud
  • Say it loud : I'm black and I'm proud
  • Show introduction
  • If I ruled the world
  • James Brown thanks
  • Introduction to say it loud : I'm black and I'm proud
  • Say it loud : I'm black and I'm proud


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