
id Villecomtal sur Arros 2016 2

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From the corner to the block

Auteur(s)Galactic (Ens. instrumental)

Titre(s)From the corner to the block [enregistrement sonore] / Galactic.

Editeur(s)Anti, 2007.

ContientWhat you need / Lyrics Born. -..And I'm out / Mr. Lif. - The corner / Gift og Gab. - Second and dryades / Boudreaux Monk "Big Chief". - Think back / Chali 2na. - Bounce baby / Z-Trip. - Hustle up / Riley Boots. - Sidewalk stepper. - From the corner to the block / Juvenile / Soul Rebels Brass Band. - Squarebiz / Ladybug Mecca / Moschella Nino. - Tuff love / "Trombone Shorty" Andrews Troy. - No way / Lateef The Thruth Speaker. - Fanfare. - Find my home / Vursatyl / Ohmega Watts. - I want peace / Fiddler Joseph "Amp". - Valley of pain / Dendemann.

Sujet(s)Hip-hop Etats-Unis Rap (musique)

Indice(s)2.91 ; 1.5

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CDEn rayonMGA50150912 GAL 91


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