
id Villecomtal sur Arros 2016 2

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Complete Sister Rosetta Tharpe : vol.5, 1953-1957

Auteur(s)Tharpe, Sister Rosetta (Guitare) ;Knight, Marie ;James Roots Quartet ;Leroy Kirkland Orchestra ;Sam Price Trio ;Oliver, Sy ;The Sy Oliver Singers ;The Harmonizing Four ;Martin, David (1907 - 1975) (Pianos) (Pianos) ;David Martin Quartet ;Hayes, Ernest (Pianos) ;Bagby, Doc (Orgues)

Titre(s)Complete Sister Rosetta Tharpe : vol.5, 1953-1957 / Tharpe Sister Rosetta.

Editeur(s)Frémeaux & Associés, 2008.

ContientCD 1 : Stand the storm. - Sing and shout. - Shadrack. - Nobody's fault (but mine). - I'm so glad. - God spoke to me. - Calvary. - I tell it wherever I go. - This old soul of mine. - Don't leave me here to cry. - What have I done ?. - Go ahead. - He is everything to me. - Everytime I feel the spirit. - Look away in the heavenly land. - When was Jesus born. - In Bethlehem. - This ole house. - Don't you weep, O Mary don't you weep. - I've done wrong. - I can hear the angels. - Father prepare me. - CD 2 : Two little fishes, five loaves of bread. - All alone. - How about you. - 99 1/2 won't do. - Precious memories. - Beams of heaven. - When the saints go marching in. - Cain't no grave hold my body down. - When they ring the golden bells. - Up above my head there's music in the air. - I shall know him. - Fly away. - Jericho. - Home in the sky. - Can't do wrong and get by. - Let's be happy. - Let it shine. - Didn't it rain, children ?.


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