
id Villecomtal sur Arros 2016 2

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El nino. Oratorio

Auteur(s)Adams, John (Compositeur) ;Nagano, Kent (Conducteur) ;Lieberson, Lorraine Hunt (Mezzo-Soprano) ;Upshaw, Dawn (Soprano) ;White, Willard (Baryton) ;Bubeck, Daniel (Haute-Contre Contre-Ténor) ;Cummings, Brian (Haute-Contre Contre-Ténor) ;Rickards, Steven (Haute-Contre Contre-Ténor) ;Maîtrise de Paris ;Edwards, Terry (Chef de choeur) ;Orchestre symphonique de Berlin

Titre(s)El nino. Oratorio / Adams John ; Nagano Kent ; Lieberson Lorraine Hunt ; Cummings Brian ; Maîtrise de Paris ; Orchestre symphonique de Berlin.

Editeur(s)Nonesuch records, 2001.

ContientCD 1 : I sing of a maiden. - Hail, Mary, gracious !. - La anunciacion. - For with god no thing shall be impossible. - The babe leaped in her womb. - Magnificat. - Now she was sixteen years old. - Joseph's dream. - Shake the heavens. - Se habla de Gabriel. - The Christmas star. - CD 2 : Pues mi dios ha nacido a penar. - When Herod heard. - Woe unto them that call evil good. - And the star went before them. - The three kings. - And when they were departed. - Dawn air. - And he slew all the children. - Memorial de Tlatelolco. - In the day of the great slaughter. - Pues esta tiritando. - Jesus and the dragons. - A palm tree.


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CDEn rayonMGA50093404 ADA 45


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