
id Villecomtal sur Arros 2016 2

  M É D I A G E R S


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The preacher's wife

Auteur(s)Houston, Whitney ;Marshall, Penny ;Georgia Mass Choir ;Brown, Bobby ;Evans, Faith ;Tresvant, Ralph ;Gill, Johnny ;Tresvant, Monica

Titre(s)The preacher's wife / Houston Whitney = La femme du pasteur [titre vidéo].

Editeur(s)BMG Records, 1996.

ContientI believe in you and me. - Step by step. - Joy. - Hold on, help is on the way. - I go to the rock. - I love the lord. - Somebody bigger than you and I / Bobby Brown / Faith Evans / Johnny Gill / Monica Tresvant / Ralph Tresvant. - You were loved. - My heart is calling. - I believe in you and me. - Step by step. - Who would imagine a king. - He's all over me. - The lord is my shepherd. - Joy to the world.


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