
id Villecomtal sur Arros 2016 2

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http://www.cvs-mediatheques.com/ws/wsgetimg.php?N=a0WG1159&C=4622&D=525339&A=17931&W=300&F=1.jpgCVS CD

Auteur(s)Peach, Georgia (Artiste de spectacle) ;Tharpe, Sister Rosetta (1915-1973) (Artiste de spectacle) ;Ford Smith, Willie Mae (Artiste de spectacle) ;Anderson, Queen C (Artiste de spectacle) ;Jackson, Mahalia (1911-1972) (Artiste de spectacle) ;Knight, Marie (1925-2009) (Artiste de spectacle) ;Campbell, Delois Barrett (Artiste de spectacle) ;Martin, Roberta (Artiste de spectacle) ;Scott, Myrtle (Artiste de spectacle) ;Phillips, Lena (Artiste de spectacle) ;Williams, Willie Mae (Artiste de spectacle) ;Martin, Sallie (Artiste de spectacle) ;Martin, Sister Cora (Artiste de spectacle) ;Littlejohn, Sister Little Mae (Artiste de spectacle) ;Carr, Sister Wynona (Artiste de spectacle) ;Haynes, Goldia (Artiste de spectacle) ;Deloatch, Mary (Artiste de spectacle) ;Knight, Mary (Artiste de spectacle) ;Cooper, Vivian (Artiste de spectacle) ;Williams, Marion (1927-1994) (Artiste de spectacle) ;Bass, Martha (Artiste de spectacle) ;Ward, Clara (Artiste de spectacle) ;Gallmon Cooke, Edna (Artiste de spectacle) ;Folk, Bessie (Artiste de spectacle) ;Griffin, Bessie (Artiste de spectacle) ;Davenport, Sister Ethel (Artiste de spectacle) ;Coates, Dorothy Love (Artiste de spectacle) ;Sister Ernestine Washington (Artiste de spectacle)

Titre(s)Gospel [enr. sonore] : sisters and divas : 1943-1951 / Georgia Peach, Sister Rosetta Tharpe, Willie Mae Ford Smith, Queen C. Anderson, Mahalia Jackson.

Editeur(s)Socadisc Europ' Distribution, 2002.

ContientWho is that knockin ? / Georgia Peach. - Where the sun will never go down / Georgia Peach. - Jesus is here to stay / Sister Rosetta Tharpe. - Ain't no room in church for liars / Sister Rosetta Tharpe. - Going on with the spirit / Willie Mae Ford Smith. - Jesus, the perfect answer / Queen C. Anderson. - I can put my trust in Jesus / Mahalia Jackson. - Go tell it in the mountain / Mahalia Jackson. - My record will be there / Sister Ernestine Washington. - Does Jesus care / Sister Ernestine Washington. - What could I do / Marie Knight. - I must see Jesus / Marie Knight. - What a blessing in Jesus / Delois Barrett Campbell. - What a friend / Roberta Martin. - You'll understand it better / Roberta Martin. - The lord will make a way / Myrtle Scott. - All that I have is in Jesus / Lena Phillips. - Where the sun never goes down / Willie Mae Williams. - God is a battle axe / Sallie Martin. - Every day of my life / Sister Cora Martin. - Go devil go / Sister Little Mae Littlejohn. - Each day / Sister Wynona Carr. - I'm a pilgrim traveler / Sister Wynona Carr. - The truth is in the gospel / Goldia Haynes. - I really believe / Mary Deloatch. - The lord's gospel train / Mary Deloatch. - In shaded green pastures / Mary Knight. - The lord blessed me / Vivian Cooper. - How far am I from Canaan / Marion Williams. - Wasn't it a pity how they punished my Lord / Martha Bass. - The fountain / Clara Ward. - How I got over / Clara Ward. - Glory to his name / Edna Gallmon Cooke. - The lifeboat / Bessie Folk. - Someday somewhere / Bessie Griffin. - Recommended Jesus to you / Sister Ethel Davenport. - Rock of ages / Sister Ethel Davenport. - I heard mother pray one day / Sister Wynona Carr. - I'm sealed / Dorothy Love Coates. - Get away Jordan / Dorothy Love Coates.

Sujet(s)Gospel & negro-spiritual : France


Lien : http://www.cvs-mediatheques.com/ws/wsgetimg.php?N=a0WG1159&C=4622&D=525339&A=17931&W=300&F=1.jpg

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