
id Villecomtal sur Arros 2016 2

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Auteur(s)Tharpe, Sister Rosetta (1915-1973)

Titre(s)Intégrale : vol.6 : 1958-1959 / Sister Rosetta Tharpe.

Editeur(s)Boissy-sous-Saint-Yon : Socadisc Europ' Distribution, 2011.

ContientIntroduction. - Every time i feel the spirit. - Feed me jesus. - Didnt it rain. - This train. - Up above my head I hear music in the air. - Old time religion reprise. - When the saints go marching in. - Peace in the valley. - Down by the riverside. - Old time religion. - One morning soon. - Lords prayer (The). - Its me. - Steal Away. - Bring back those happy days. - Saviour dont pass me by. - I have good news to bring. - Go get the water. - Things that i used to do. - Didnt it rain. - Beams of heaven. - Nothing Between. - Hes the lily of the valley. - Seeking for me. - Never alone. - Shine for jesus. - I Do Dont You. - Go leads us along. - Family prayer (The). - What are they doin in heaven. - I saw the light. - Blow ye the trumpet in zion. - Oh the joy that came to me. - I can't sit down. - I believe. - Twelve gates. - Faith. - If you believe. - Walk all over god s heaven. - If i can help somebody. - Light a candle. - I couldn't hear nobody pray. - Without him. - He. - Bless this house. - Take my hand precious lord.



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CDEn rayonMD325200700071Musique1.2 THA


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