
id Villecomtal sur Arros 2016 2

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Film music anthology

https://www.cvs-mediatheques.com/ws/wsgetimg.php?N=a0WG1159&C=4622&D=1097901&A=64232&W=300&F=1.jpgCVS CD

Auteur(s)Chaplin, Charles (1889-1977) (Compositeur)

Titre(s)Film music anthology / Charlie Chaplin.

Editeur(s)Play It Again Sam, 2019.

ContientCity lights : Original opening music. - City lights : Afternoon. - City lights : Nightclub. - City lights : Fight club. - City lights : Charlie looks through shop window at girl. - City lights : Girl holds Charlie's hand. - Modern times : Opening ; Sheep. - Modern times : Factory scene. - Modern times : Lunch time ; Charlie in the machine. - Modern times : Starting life anew ; Leading a strike. - Modern times : The gamine. - Modern times : The department store. - Modern times : It's paradise. - Modern times : Waiting on tables. - Modern times : Nonsense song. - Modern times : Dawn ; Buck up-never say die ; Smile. - The great dictator : Main title. - The great dictator : Globe dance. - The great dictator : Barber shop scene. - Gold rush : Overture ; Chilkoot pass. - Gold rush : Valse mange. - Gold rush : Love theme ; Valse élégante ; Valse charmante. - Gold rush : Mother's dance. - Monsieur Verdoux : Main title. - Monsieur Verdoux : Tango bitterness. - Monsieur Verdoux : Finale. - Limelight : The harlequinade ballet ; Terry's theme ; Moon dance. - Limelight : Terry's solo ; Terry's theme ; Pas de deux. - Limelight : Terry's success. - Limelight : Animal trainer. - Limelight : Spring song. - Limelight : Sardine song. - Final speech from 'The great dictator'. - Speech from 'Monsieur Verdoux'. - A king in New York : Mandolin serenade. - A king in New York : Weeping willows. - A king in New York : A million dollars. - A king in New York : Juke box. - A king in New York : Now that it's ended. - A king in New York : The spring song. - A dog's life : Dog's life theme. - A dog's life : Coffee and cakes. - A dog's life : Rag. - Shoulder arms : Main titles. - Shoulder arms : Sauerkraut march ; Shell happy ; Changing guard ; Peace. - Shoulder arms : The post. - Shoulder arms : D minor waltz. - The pilgrim : Bound for Texas. - The pilgrim : Jitters. - The pilgrim : Texas border. - The circus : Swing high little girl. - The circus : Befriending Merna. - The circus : Tight rope waltz. - The circus : The circus leaves town. - The kid. - The kid : His morning promenade. - The kid : The country doctor ; Rooftop chase. - The kid : Night ; $1000 reward ; Dawn. - The idle class : Golf links waltz. - The idle class : Charlie's daydream. - The idle class : South american. - The idle class : Fox-trot. - Payday : Sweet Adeline waltz. - A day's pleasure : Boat ride. - A day's pleasure : Jazz. - Sunnyside : Forgotten. - A woman of Paris.

Sujet(s)Bof (bande originale de film) Musique de film

Lien : https://www.cvs-mediatheques.com/ws/wsgetimg.php?N=a0WG1159&C=4622&D=1097901&A=64232&W=300&F=1.jpg

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