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Lady Day and Pres 1937-1941

Auteur(s)Holiday, Billie ;Young, Lester (Saxophones) ;Barefield, Eddie (Saxophones) ;Bailey, Buster (Clarinette) ;Goodman, Benny (Clarinette) ;Warren, Earl (Saxophones) ;Carter, Benny (Saxophones) ;Evans, Herschel (Saxophones) ;Clayton, Buck (Trompette) ;Eldridge, Roy (Trompette) ;Edison, Harry "Sweets" (Trompette) ;Collins, Shad (Trompette) ;Green, Freddie (Guitare) ;Wilson, Teddy (Pianos) ;Thornhill, Claude (Pianos) ;Sullivan, Joe (Pianos) ;Page, Walter (Contrebasse) ;Jones, Jo (Batterie) ;Clarke, Kenny (Batterie) ;Heard, J.C (Batterie)

Titre(s)Lady Day and Pres 1937-1941 / Holiday Billie ; Young Lester.

Editeur(s)Night & day distribution, 1994.

ContientAll of me (take 1). - Foolin' myself. - My first impression of you. - When you're smiling. - Back in you own backyard. - He's funny that way. - He ain't got rhythm. - Now they call it swing. - I've got a date with a dream. - If dreams come true. - I must have that man. - The man I love. - When a woman loves a man. - You're a lucky guy. - Easy living. - Everybody's laughing. - Laughing at life. - Getting some fun out of life. - I'm pulling through. - I can't believe that you're in love with me. - Let's do it. - Say it with a kiss. - This year's kisses. - Sun showers. - Time of my hands. - A sailboat in the moonlight. - Yours and mine. - I can't get started. - The very thought of you. - You're just a no-account. - Mean to me. - Trav'lin' all alone. - Without your love. - I'll never be the shame. - Me, myself and I. - All of me (take 3).

Sujet(s)Jazz classique Jazz vocal (musique)


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