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The world won't listen

Auteur(s)The Smiths ;Morrissey ;Marr, Johnny Randolph (Compositeur) (Guitare) ;Rourke, Andy (Guitare basse) ;Joyce, Mike (Batterie)

Titre(s)The world won't listen / The Smiths.

Editeur(s)WEA Records, 1986.

ContientPanic. - Ask. - London. - Bigmouth strikes again. - Shakespeare's sister. - There is a light that never goes out. - Shoplifters of the world unite. - The boy with the thorn in his side. - Money changes everything. - Asleep. - Unloveable. - Half a person. - Stretch out and wait. - That joke isn't funny anymore. - Oscillate wildly. - You just haven't earned it yet, baby. - Rubber ring. - Golden lights.

Sujet(s)Pop-rock (musique)


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CDEn rayonMGA50003332 SMI 21


Source : Wikipédia
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