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Utopia Avenue

Auteur(s)Mitchell, David (1972-...) (Auteur)

Titre(s)Utopia Avenue / David Mitchell.

Editeur(s)LONDRES : Sceptre. ; LONDRES : Sceptre.

RésuméThe year is 1967 and word is spreading about a new band on London's psychedelic scene - an unlikely combination of a female folksinger, a blues bassist, a jazz drummer and an electric guitarist. Strangers to each other and from widely different backgrounds, together they create magic. Meet Utopia Avenue. This is the story of a unique band's brief, blazing journey from Soho dives to chart success and on to the promised land of America, just when the Summer of Love was giving way to something much darker - a tale of dreams, drugs, sexuality, madness and grief, and of fame's pitfalls. Capturing a time when youthful idealism collided with jaded reality, this bewitching novel celebrates the power of music to connect across divides, define an era and thrill the soul.


Lien : https://products-images.di-static.com/image/orb-ff4f2bb55e2a49f4c33d06a8a2d64d18/9781444799477-475x500-1.jpg

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