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The great Gatsby

Auteur(s)Fitzgerald, Francis Scott (1896-1940) (Auteur)

Titre(s)The great Gatsby / Francis Scott Fitzgerald.

Editeur(s)New York : Scribner, 2004.

RésuméThe mysterious Jay Gatsby embodies the American notion that it is possible to redefine oneself and persuade the world to accept that definition. Gatsby's youthful neighbor, Nick Carraway, fascinated with the display of enormous wealth in which Gatsby revels, finds himself swept up in the lavish lifestyle of Long Island society during the Jazz Age. Considered Fitzgerald's best work, The Great Gatsby is a mystical, timeless story of integrity and cruelty, vision and despair. The timeless story of Jay Gatsby and his love for Daisy Buchanan is widely acknowledged to be the closest thing to the Great American Novel ever written.

Traduit de : Gatsby le Magnifique.

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