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The secret life of Emily Dickinson

Auteur(s)Charyn, Jerome (1937-...) (Auteur)

Titre(s)The secret life of Emily Dickinson / Jerome Charyn.

Editeur(s)New-York : Norton & Compagny, 2011.

RésuméChanneling the devilish rhythms and ghosts of a seemingly buried literary past, Charyn removes the mysterious veils that have long enshrouded Dickinson, revealing her passions, inner turmoil, and powerful sexuality. The novel, daringly written in first person, begins in the snow. It's 1848, and Emily is a student at Mount Holyoke, with its mournful headmistress and strict, strict rules. Inspired by her letters and poetry, Charyn goes on to capture the occasionally comic, always fevered, ultimately tragic story of her life-from defiant Holyoke seminarian to dying recluse.

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