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Epiphany : the best of Chaka Khan, vol.1

Auteur(s)Khan, Chaka

Titre(s)Epiphany : the best of Chaka Khan, vol.1 / Khan Chaka.

Editeur(s)Warner Bros. Records, 1996.

ContientAin't nobody. - Papillon (aka Hot Butterfly). - Tell me something good (live). - I feel for you. - I know you, I live you. - I'm every woman. - Love me still. - The end of a love affair. - And the melody still lingers on (Night in Tunisia). - Through the fire. - What cha' gonna do for me. - Everywhere. - Never miss the water. - Somethin' deep. - Your love is all I know. - Every little thing.


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CDEn rayonMGA50088592 KHA 90


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